Women’s Weekend Intensives


2024 Intensives

April 26-28
June 21-23
October 11-13

The fee for this clinical intensive is $2000.00 which includes lodging and meals.
A non-refundable deposit of $500.00 is required at registration. Payment plans are available.

Participation is limited to a maximum of 6 women. We will utilize
pre-work assessments for each participant through IITAP.

TO REGISTER EMAIL: info@lifeworks.ms

All members of Sarah Society are invited to join us for a 3-day women’s weekend intensive just outside Jackson, Mississippi.

An intensive workshop is a great investment of time and money. The three-day workshops provide the equivalent of 8-12 months of weekly counseling, and is a huge jumpstart or boost for recovery. Significant research validates the proven effectiveness of a group setting. You’ll be with leaders who understand your pain, and you’ll find that you are not alone.

The workshop is clinical, meaning all the leaders are at least master’s level, licensed counselors who are specifically trained in treating sex addicts and partners of addicts. We use a comprehensive approach that addresses both the trauma of betrayal and specific steps toward personal healing.

Topics include:
Grief and loss
Trauma of betrayal
Family of origin dynamics
Childhood abuse
Partner’s coping

Tools of recovery
Disclosure and when to extend trust
Couple and family issues
Spiritual concerns and growth